Friday, 27 April 2007

Dirty Dancing - 24th April 2007

I've had the time of my life..... Oh my god!!! We absolutely loved it!! Want to go and see it again already.

It was time to catch up with Bill again, so we decided we would all go see Dirty Dancing at the Aldwych Theatre in the Westend - the theatre district together. We were lucky enough to score some tickets (as they were booked out until September) - thank you so much Bill:-)

We took Mel along too, as she was wanting to see it and we had a spare ticket so it was great to have another girl who appreciates it all... although the boys did pretty well!

We all met in the city after work, I was at a training course so was already there early so Bill and I dropped in at the Hilton Waldorf for a quick champagne (okay 2...) before dinner. We then all had a quick bite at a little italian restaurant and then raced to the show... very excited we were!

We got into theatre and our seats were in the Upper circle but in row 3, so they were good and we could see the whole stage which was awesome.

The show started and we were mesmerized until interval... it was more a play than a musical, but still thoroughly enjoyable... yes (even when he took his shirt off.. to show his 8 pack) - sorry Baby!! The cast did a great job - Johnny also did the Australian performance - I did feel he could of been alittle stronger in his acting - but definitely made up for it in his dancing!

It finished up with the amazing scene at the end... although by now we were all buzzing so had to head off for a nightcap... so headed to a nearby bar called 'Dirty Martini', although it was a gorgeous little bar and we enjoyed another bottle of Moet... we ended up leaving there about 1am - I think!!

It was a school night, so we were behaving - yes our heads were alittle sore the next day - but Dirty Dancing was worth every second!!! Anyone coming across let me know and will be happy to come along with you again:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sal, have you ever seen Wayne try to dirty dance? Did you know he's a legend at the Bullring in Fitzroy? He was banned form attending classes as he was that shite!